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Authenticity - To Thine Own Self Be True

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

"To Thine Own Self Be True" is a famous phrase from Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. It is amazing that this well-known statement, coined over 400 years ago (circa 1600), has stood the test of time. Though much has changed since then, it is just as relevant today as it was when Shakespeare wrote it for the very first time. Years ago, at the start of my healing journey, I adopted this statement as my own personal declaration/life mantra. It is something I repeat to myself often as a reminder to always stay true to myself, even when the odds are stacked against me.

One word that best sums up this phrase is, "Authentic." Merriam-Webster defines it best:

Au·​then·​tic (ə-ˈthen-tik)

True to one's own personality, spirit, or character

The ability to be one's most authentic self, while walking in your own truth is essential to experiencing wholeness and self-love. However, it is difficult to learn to love yourself if you're unaware of who the real you truly is.

As so-called "Minorities," a major contributor to many of us losing ourselves is because throughout our lifetime we have been conditioned to wear a mask and augment ourselves to fit into the majority culture. Another factor is, since the times of slavery, within our culture we were taught to always stay strong, endure, and persevere through the worst of circumstances, never stopping to think about the generational damage that was being done. It's a new day, and it's time for us to change the narrative so the future is brighter for our children and generations to come.

Speaking of children, as kids we were our most true self. This was before life happened and we were forced to fit into someone else’s mold for who we should be. When did we stop coloring or being creative and inquisitive while doing those things that bring us joy? It’s important to find ways to quiet the noise and influences from the outside world so you can hear your own voice. It all starts with the renewing of the mind and changing your thoughts.

7 Small Steps Becoming Your Most Authentic Self:

  1. Daily Unplug: Carve out 30 minutes each day to unplug from technology (social media, TV, cell phone, etc) and people. This may be difficult at first, but there are 24 hrs in each day and you are worth setting aside 30 minutes to focus on yourself.

  2. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts: Pay attention to the chatter that is going on in your mind. Are the thoughts positive or negative? What are you saying to yourself?

  3. Listen to Motivational Speakers: Negative mental chatter can be a hindrance to our growth and evolution to becoming our most authentic selves. Listening to motivational speakers helps to replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, they also help to give us tools that help us in our healing journey. Three of my favorites are Les Brown, TD Jakes, and Oprah Winfrey. Their words of wisdom and encouragement have helped guide me through some of the most difficult storms.

  4. Journaling: Journal your thoughts so that you can process them and work through past and present issues that may be holding you back.

  5. Set Boundaries: Set boundaries, and if needed, remove toxic relationships from your life that may be causing you to doubt yourself and preventing you from walking in your truth; Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who support your growth.

  6. Yoga, Meditation & Affirmations: Practice yoga, meditation, and repeating positive affirmations (ie. I Am Enough, I AM Confident, I AM Courageous, I AM Authentic, I AM Healed) as tools to help keep you grounded in the present moment while helping you to quiet your mind and develop/your internal voice.

  7. Professional Counseling: Search for a trusted Counselor and begin recurring sessions to help you work through underlying issues. We are all extensions of our childhood and if we can heal the inner child, we can get back to our most authentic and best version of ourselves.

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