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The Root vs The Fruit - Healing the Inner Child

In order for true healing to take place, the root of the problem must be identified. Once the root is established, then the fruit can be understood. It’s simple cause and effect—but, if it were truly that simple, we would all be “free.” Unfortunately, many of us stay bound in our own mental, spiritual, and emotional prison until the day we take our last breath.

No one sets out with the intention of ending up with “issues.” But life happens, and I’ve discovered—it all happens for a reason. “It” happens to the best of us at the most inopportune times. In my case, it has been happening for a long time. Long enough that it stopped me dead in my tracks one day, and the only word I could muster up was “Why?” Why so much pain? Why were horrible things always happening to me? Why couldn’t I just get a break? Why couldn’t I just have my happily ever after? Which brings me back to the “root.”

Have you ever met someone who just could not get it right? No matter how many interventions, prayers, hour-long talks—they just seemed doomed to remain stagnant. This person may be promiscuous, addicted to drugs, or a womanizer—this person may even be you. Whatever the case, what you are witnessing is what is happening on the outside (the fruit). Their actions are a direct manifestation of the root. A promiscuous male or female may have been molested as a child. A drug addict may have suffered such a huge loss that their only coping mechanism is crack or alcohol. A womanizer may have grown up watching his father abuse and misuse women.

We are all a summation of our experiences. When “that thing” happened to you when you were little, it didn’t just go away! You woke up day after day not realizing it was still a part of you. And the longer it sat unaddressed, hoping it would go away on its own, the more it festered, grew, and took on a life of its own. It was actually helping to mold you into the person you would ultimately become. We are all extensions of our childhood. That is why it is so important to dig deep and get to the root, so true healing can begin. Our childhood traumas impact who we are today. It's important to get to the root of these issues to heal the inner child and become the best/healthiest version of yourself.

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