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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This is an important topic that needs to be normalize in the black community, because it has been a taboo discussion for way too long. Unfortunately, this leads people we love to suffer in silence for fear of backlash, being mocked – or being told to “just pray.” Y’all – we just went through an entire pandemic for the last few years. Many of us were in isolation during that entire time. Even prisoners in solitary confinement are only allowed to be on lockdown for a short amount of time due to the effect on the mind. Note: There are rules that state, any time of prolonged isolation above 15 days is considered torture as it can lead to anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and psychosis. Top this off with the PTSD and trauma from what we faced as a community with George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor during this same time. All while being expected to show up as “normal” in our daily lives for our families, jobs, etc.

The fact is, our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Without a healthy mind, we as humans cannot function properly day to day. Let’s start to have these open discussions about holistic health (mind, body, soul). Just as we would recommend our pastor seek a good doctor for a physical ailment ie diabetes or high blood pressure (in addition to praying), let’s recommend a good counselor for someone who is stressed, depressed, or worse. Although I believe in the power of prayer, it’s okay to have God and a good therapist too! In fact, over the years I have kept a professional counselor to talk things through during difficult times (specifically searched for black female Christian counselors for my personal preference, as I believe they could relate to my unique experiences and counsel accordingly). I also, keep my appointments even when things are going well in my life. It’s like routine checkups at the dental office or regularly scheduled car maintenance. We don’t have to wait until things break down to seek help. Again, if someone you know needs someone to talk to please provide them with a safe space and if needed, help them find the help they need. For some, it can literally be a matter of life or death. - Yana

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